What is a Tracer Wire Locator?


Ever since the development of the tracer wire locator or in other words known as wire locator or cable locator, it has been created with two parts which would be a receiver and also a transmitter. The transmitter actually puts an electrical signal to the cable or the pipe that is being traced while the receiver on the other hand picks the signal which helps in allowing the locator operator to be able to trace the signal path and also to follow the cable that is being located.


The electromagnetic field which is actually created by the transmitter could in fact be set towards a specific frequency which will depend on the type of conductor in the cable. The frequency choices can in fact range from 1 kilohertz to a 480 kilohertz. Through such ranges of frequencies you need to take note about one important thing. You need to take note on the importance of starting at the lowest frequency and that if the frequency works, you should then never change it. Any lower frequency actually bleeds over less and that this will stay on the conductor a lot better.


The basic technology for the location process has not actually changed much; only the process of getting the signal to the underground pipe detectorhas changed. The addition for the passive signal and will not need the use of a transmitter and the three of the most common methods for sending signals are inductive coupling, direct connect and general induction. In the inductive coupling procedure, the cable in this case should be grounded in order for it to form a complete circuit path.


As the name implies, direct connect methods will allow you to be able to attach physically the transmitter to the cable that is to be located. This could mean that connected at a pedestal or cabinet and to gain access to the shield which surrounds the cable that is usually grounded.


If the process of directly attaching to the buried line locatoris a process that's impossible, the induction method can be a logical choice. In such cases, you are going to place the transmitter on the ground that is just directly over the cable. When the transmitter had been turned on, it will induce a signal to nearby conductor that is within its range. This however leads to issues when there are more than one cables buried that is within the proximity.


Though inductive coupling does not let the user be able to directly connect to the cable, it is able to give a higher level of confidence than the general induction. This is also into the use of coupling device that is donut-shaped which surrounds the cable and also emits signals towards the cable.